Imam Hussain

This blog is about the life of the Imams AS and especially Imam Hussain AS. The those who were placed very oppressed

Imam Hussain

This blog is about the life of the Imams AS and especially Imam Hussain AS. The those who were placed very oppressed

ya zahra

The historical proceedings of the Prophet's (s) daughter Fatima Az-Zahra, from childhood until marriage. Then an account of the sufferings and hardships after the martyrdom of the Holy Prophet (s), till the moment of her martyrdom


In The Name Of Allah

“بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِیمِ

“إِنَّا أَعْطَیْنَاکَ الْکَوْثَرَ {1}

“فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّکَ وَانْحَرْ {2}

“إِنَّ شَانِئَکَ هُوَ الْأَبْتَرُ {3}

(1) Surely We have given you kawthar.1

(2) Therefore pray to your lord and make a sacrifice.

(3) Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without posterity. Qur’an (108:1-3)

A word from the publisher

“فاطمة بضعة منی

Fatimah is a part of my Flesh1. (The Holy Prophet)

Who is this shining Jewel

Luminous star

Bright star in the heavens of Sainthood

Hidden and unknown

The essence of creation,
 Intermediary for earthly and heavenly creation wise one, daughter of the Prophet (spirit of beauty between the two), and the worthy wife of the saint of Allah, Hazrat Ali (a.s). Fatimah (s.a,) unparalleled heroin and unequalled herald throughout the history of Islam and Shi’ism. Always appearing as the manifestation of self sacrifice, bravery, affection, abundant generosity in the way of the presentation of Islam and the Qur'an, and support of the frontage of the vicegerency

Naba’ Organization in accordance with its objectives strives to introduce and make known to the Public, the Holy Quran and the blessed family of the holy Prophet (S) and in the course of this effort has first endeavoured in the translation of the book, “Fatimah Zahra

This book has been arranged into three booklets, of which the first has been allocated for a brief study and description of the life of this great Lady. In its contents, while introducing the Parents and spouse of that Hazrat, an explanation and description of the particulars and historical Proceedings of that great lady’s lifetime from childhood until marriage, is given then the sufferings and hardships of the life of that Hazrat after the martyrdom of the Holy Prophet (S) are regarded, and the account is proceeded by a depiction of the events that occurred until the moment of her martyrdom.

The second and third booklets of this series after a description of Fatimah’s characteral qualities give a presentation of the Superiorities of her spoken words. With reliance on God’s special assistance, and after acknowledging of the glorified status of the blessed Family of the Holy Prophet (S) and the inability of our thoughts in their understanding. We ask God to make us successful in the way of introducing this glorious family and we request of all the able and thoughtful to help and support us in making known the different aspects of the Personal identity of this honourable Family

Naba’ Organization

A gift to the holy presence of the Master of the Age (Waliyul ‘Asr) (may Allah hasten his appearance

O’ Allah, at this time and for all the time, for the master of Your command, Imam Zaman Hujjah ibn al-Hassan (may Your blessings be upon him and his progeny) be Supervisor, Guard, Leader, Helper and Guide, and Guardian until you bring the world under his leadership, and his profiting it for many ages

The Painful Fate of Women throughout History

“قال رسول الله(صلى الله علیه وآله): کانت مریم سیدة نساء زمانها، أمّا ابنتی فاطمة فهی سیدة نساء العالمین من الاولین الاخرین

The Holy Prophet (S)said: “Maryam was the Lady of the women of her time, but my daughter Fatimah is the lady of the whole worlds’ women, from the first to the last.”

Throughout history women have had a very painful story. Their physical weakness in contrast. man being the reason why the bullies and despots throughout history endeavoured to trample their human identity. What crimes they committed to this end! Especially in Arabia during “The Age of Ignorance”1, (even though at that time the whole world had sunk into ignorance), the identity of woman was more than anywhere else trodden upon; to such an extent that a woman was exchanged like a piece of merchandise. A share in the inheritance of men was not granted to them.

They saw the birth of a girl as a disgrace. And, as we know, buried newborn baby-girls alive. They even ignored the laws of nature saying that the children of our daughters are not our children. our children are only those of our sons. This Poem has remained from that age for us as a reminder of this very belief of theirs

“بنونا بنو أبنائنا و بناتنا *** بنوهن أبناء الرجال الأباعد

The offspring of our sons are our progeny -and on the other hand the offspring of our daughters are the off springs of alien men

But when Islam came into the ring to revive human and godly values, it began fighting this ignorant belief, and it rose to restore the lost identity of woman

It did this by preaching cultural counsel and education; by creating laws for women’s benefit and allowing them participation in various activities and, finally, with severe action against those who were not willing to surrender to these realities

In another tradition, we read that:
 Assma bint Omays, the wife of Jafar bin Abi Talib returned with her husband from Habasha2 and came to see the Prophet’s wives. One of the first Questions she asked was: “Have any of the verses of the Quran been revealed in regard to women?” They (the wives of the Holy Prophet) claimed to have no Knowledge of this!

Assma came to see the Holy Prophet (S) and said: “O Prophet of God! Is the female sex caught with loss and detriment? (maybe she had the right to say this because for many years she had stayed away from the country of the revelation, and thought that the remains of the principles that ruled the society in the Age of Ignorance, still remained.)
 The Prophet asked: “why?”
She said: “Because in Islam and the Quran no virtue has been announced in relation to them as there has been for men

Even though it was the fifth year of the hijra and eighteen years after the rise of Islam, while in relation to the restoration of the identity of woman much points had been revealed in the Holy Quran and habit, for more emphasis on this matter, verse 35 of the chapter Azhab (the Allies) was also revealed. It is a verse that is in reality the one that states all values, all of the values that are alike in women and men, and of which (women) posseses the most superior footing.
 These values are summed up in ten parts;
 It commands

“إن المسلمین والمسلمات

“والمؤمنین والمؤمنات

“والقانتین والقانتات

“والصادقین والصادقات

“والصابرین والصابرات

“والخاشعین والخاشعات

“والمتصدقین والمتصدقات

“والصائمین و الصائمات

“والحافظین فروجهم والحافظات

“والذاکرین الله کثیرا والذاکرات

“أعد اللّه لهم مغفرة و أجرا عظیما

“Surely the men who submit and the women who submit”
“And the believing men and the believing women”
“And the obeying men and the obeying women”
“And the truthful men and the truthful women”
“And the patient men and the patient women”
“And the humble men and the humble women”
“And the almsgiving men and the almsgiving women”
“And the fasting men and the fasting women”
“And the men who guard their private parts and the women who guard”
“And the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember”
“Allah has prepared for them Forgiveness and a great reward.”3

And thus Islam spoke its words on this subject, showing that men and women walk side by side in the course of life towards God and human values; in the event that enjoy the same conditions along this course

Some are surprised at how Islam has given the right to women to demand a salary for suckling her own children

“فان أرضعن لکم فاتوهن أجورهن

“Then if they suckle for you give them their recompense”4

Which woman would demand a reward or salary for suckling her child, especially when she lives jointly with a man?!
 But it shouldn’t be forgotten that this command is so that Islam can say, not only is woman a human being and possessing all human rights, not only does she have the right to decide about her own property, and man has no right to repress this right of hers without her consent, but also if she wishes, she may demand her recompense for suckling (her child). What a deep impression did this order make in that environment

In short, women of the world have a great obligation to Islam, because it saved them from the grip of the tyranny of history’s oppressors on condition that Islamic instructions are carried out properly and in detail.
1. The period before Islam. (N.T.)
2. Ethiopia. (N.T.)
3. Al-Ahzab 33:35
4. Al-Talaq 65:6


In The Name Of Allah

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِیمِ

إِنَّا أَعْطَیْنَاکَ الْکَوْثَرَ {1}

فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّکَ وَانْحَرْ {2}

إِنَّ شَانِئَکَ هُوَ الْأَبْتَرُ {3}

(1) Surely We have given you kawthar.1
(2) Therefore pray to your lord and make a sacrifice.
(3) Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without posterity. Qur’an (108:1-3)

A gift to the holy presence of the Master of the Age (Waliyul ‘Asr) (may Allah hasten his appearance):

O’ Allah, at this time and for all the time, for the master of Your command, Imam Zaman Hujjah ibn al-Hassan (may Your blessings be upon him and his progeny) be Supervisor, Guard, Leader, Helper and Guide, and Guardian until you bring the world under his leadership, and his profiting it for many ages.


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