Imam Hussain

This blog is about the life of the Imams AS and especially Imam Hussain AS. The those who were placed very oppressed

Imam Hussain

This blog is about the life of the Imams AS and especially Imam Hussain AS. The those who were placed very oppressed

۷ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «zeinab» ثبت شده است

ya zahra

The historical proceedings of the Prophet's (s) daughter Fatima Az-Zahra, from childhood until marriage. Then an account of the sufferings and hardships after the martyrdom of the Holy Prophet (s), till the moment of her martyrdom

۰ comment 30 March 14 ، 14:30
Soldiers of Imam Mahdi

Imam Husayn and His Martyrdom

Monday, 24 March 2014، 02:01 PM



The month of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, brings with it the memory of the sacrifice of Imam Husayn. This short text reflects the deep admiration of its author towards Imam Husayn [a] and an insight into the tragedy of Karbala

۰ comment 24 March 14 ، 14:01
Soldiers of Imam Mahdi

Dirge English

Saturday, 15 March 2014، 05:40 PM

The mourning into Farsi, English, and Arabic recitation of is

Duration: 7 minutes 43 seconds

۰ comment 15 March 14 ، 17:40
Soldiers of Imam Mahdi

Biography of Hazrat Fatima Zahra SA

Saturday, 8 March 2014، 02:16 PM

click on the photo

ya zahra

Biography of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA) 

Fatima (PBUH) and the Muslims leading lady of the world's most supreme of all ages and ages. This opinion is based on the traditions of the Prophet themes. This clan traditions, although the words are different, but have an idea. In one speech (which the consensus of Muslims, both Shia and Sunni), Prophet Muhammad (SAW PBUH & HP) has said: "Fatima server is the world's women." But the excellence of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) is not only limited to the period of life at all ages is going great. So the Prophet (SAW PBUH & HP), in other words, explicitly Fatima (PBUH), the server first and last mentioned are women. But another point in the prophetic hadith and hadith like this is to get is that if Fatima (PBUH) is the greatest lady in the world among women, however, who has no authority higher than him, after the knowledge of life and all moments of his life, are of tremendous value. The person with care and deliberation that can be attained highest spiritual ranks.noted that deep place emphasis on holiness in the sight of God. These verses relying on Divine Grace, which will be discussed in other articles. In this section we briefly and brevity, we will study the character and honorable life.
۰ comment 08 March 14 ، 14:16
Soldiers of Imam Mahdi

Beware of consecutive sins

Monday, 24 February 2014، 06:42 AM




Beware of consecutive sins 

What is the most decisive factor determining the decrees (predeterminations) in our life

We mentioned many factors and said that none of them is the answer. The introduction of our topic was paying attention to the decrees itself. Decrees are the section out of our power that is determined by Allah and we often consider them normal affairs happening by chance! However, these are all designs of the divine wisdom, providence and authority. Before one can see the decrees, it seems they should be understood.

۰ comment 24 February 14 ، 06:42
Soldiers of Imam Mahdi