Beware of consecutive sins
Beware of consecutive sins
What is the most decisive factor determining the decrees (predeterminations) in our life
We mentioned many factors and said that none of them is the answer. The introduction of our topic was paying attention to the decrees itself. Decrees are the section out of our power that is determined by Allah and we often consider them normal affairs happening by chance! However, these are all designs of the divine wisdom, providence and authority. Before one can see the decrees, it seems they should be understood.
Some of the special events that happen in our lives are the predeterminations! No, all the details of our lives, from our existence, the type of our existence, all our fixed and variable coordinates are predetermines. Whatever will we could possibly apply is too within our predetermines. You can make difference within the limits that Allah has set. No one can do whatever he or she wants to do. It’s not the way that anyone with bad intention be able to accomplish it. It obeys the predeterminations. Under what circumstances the predeterminations let you do something is the topic of our discussion.
We are striving in the hands of our decrees. Within the context of the decrees, sometimes we get a chance to make changes in our lives. For example if you do a wrong action which obviously weakens your faith, your punishment would be a bigger sin. Then even if you repent you would still be afoul by the bigger sin. Fear if sins are happening consecutively for you!
It’s good we take a look at this predestinarian part of life. “No determinism and no free-will but is between the two” is one of the tough topics of religion. Imams have banned us from putting much time and thinking about this phrase. However part of our life is out of our control. Let’s have a look at the extent of this part:
“No one, good or bad, can not accomplish his/her intention although he/she might be punished or rewarded.”
“Human being does not have the authority to change his path at all times.”
What happens when these statements surround you?
Let me give you some sweet personal and social examples of the decrees for you. A person who serves the Ahlulabit and the friends of Ahlulbait is not a disenter when exam comes and respects the religious rituals. Can he be a bad guy? Is it in his hands? They won’t let you!
Some one very distressed told me that he likes to know what wrong has he done so by fixing it his plight would be resolved. I introduced him to someone who could help him. He had said that my friend have had a request from the Ahlulbait. He has to tolerate these hardships in order to reach his will.
Thereto, you cannot u-turn every moment in the highway of life; your intention is not in your authority at all times; this approach has important educational effects.
A positive social example: Why do you think imam Khomeini was so hopeful? Why is the supreme leader ayatollah Khamenei so? Is it only propaganda? Is it a way to manage the public? Why did Imam Khomeini write in his will that I a am leaving you with a calm heart? Is the reality behind this hope merely faith in Allah or it’s the faith and calculations which in fact are comprehensible?
Why even after the government of Amirolmomenin with all its achievements for religion, still that roving occurred? Based upon what laws does Allah predetermine his mighty decrees?
Some one like imam khomini’s hope is not only based on faith. It is based on faith and also understanding the situation and knowing when Allah’s aid will come. In who’s hands is the world? The enemies whatever number they are if you find four Gnostic men, it is them whom are decisive. Pure velayat based souls are the decisive.
Don’t get overthrown when you see a bad political, cultural or a non-religious scene. Why should you? Pay a little attention to the mighty decrees: Do you know what great martyrs we have. Is not this true that Allah perishes the effect of the works of infidels? Don’t look at the quantity of their work. Their work might be huge but has no effect.
Have faith and be realistic. Early years of revolution we required more faith. The realities did not give us hope. Negative pulses were sent for the path of the revolution. Those politicians with little faith would say it will not make it. There were few realities that sent positive pulse. Therefore imam Khomeini relied on faith and also saw the realities very clearly. But since not everyone saw the realities like imam, we should talk more relying on faith.
[Relying on the above mentioned background] Imam Khomeini [forecasted and] announced at the last years of his life that communists are being eliminated. How many people like him have there been in the world. [Therefore] read Imam’s Sahifeh which is educational and a full review of the revolutions teachings. I have read it once; its interesting to know that Imam for the first time in 1979 says that communists’ era is over while the effort of the clergies of that time was struggling with communists. What was the reality that Imam could see that drives him to say our problem is not communists. No one could believe at that time that communists are not our issue.
Nowtime we require more realism. In regards with the USA we need to pay attention mostly to realities compared to faith. Realities say that if USA could be a help it would solve his own problems. I am worried if the talks be a success, Iran’s Salvation Army (Komiteh emdad) would be tough! Hopefully these talks will dissipate this chaffy power. The idiots say that economic sanctions have brought us to the negotiating table. Future will reveal what has brought us to the negotiating table!
USA cannot to a damn thing! [by Imam Khomeini] is the first verse of surah Muhammad: “(As for) those who disbelieve and turn away from Allah’s way, He shall render their works ineffective” they have no effect. This is a fact in the world. If someone does not understand this fact, at least have faith in Allah. This realism makes our work progress faster. Hopefully even those with weaker faith come to the right path of Islam with these realities. But those whom their heart is sick, as the holy Quran says will not even see the facts (realities) they become blind.
Imam Hussein in a conversation with Omar ibn saad tells him the fact that you will not live long enough to benefit from the Rey. Omar ibn Saad used to come to Imam Hussein when they were young and say people have gone mad, they say it is said that I will kill Hussein! Imam Hussein would only reply that forget what people say only remember that after I die you won’t live long!
Realism does not fix the sick hearted because it does not let them see the facts. Blind means they don’t see the facts.
Do you believe all the people who accept the government of Vali e Asr is because of their faith? No its because of their realism. The characteristic of the Apocalypse is that it clarifies the complex realities. The events of that time are in a way that clarifies.
LET US INCREASE realism in our lives a little. One of the handiest realities that Allah wants us to change by its recognition is Death.
However, in the context of the decrees, by realism we intend the fact of limitations of our authority. The realities like faith can guide us to Allah. Realities and faith are the two wings leading us o the world of spirituality. Realities prevent your faith from being a dummy faith. How can we eradicate this dummy faith? With realities.
Imam Reza in the Tohaf al Oghool states: “If Allah wants to do something, He halts the minds while enforces his will and command then when his will is enforces he brings back the minds then people shall say how and from where did this happen?
For the decrees to settle for you let’s have a look at another revaya. Amirolmomenin states: “Two fairies protect every mankind. When the decrees arrive the fairies leave us alone with the decrees.”
One of the slippages of the issue of decrees is that we consider the decrees only for great and major affairs and not all affairs from minor to the greatest:
Oh Allah, when difficulties in life increases they refuge to you and become calm because when they see that the helm of affairs is in your hands they find calm. They see that source of all affairs is in your hands they feel calm. Since the decrees are in your hand they feel calm.
Let’s summarize the effects of mighty decrees in three sentences:
• It creates humbleness in mankind. It prevents his rise up and prevents arrogance.
• By looking at the decree if you have faith it increases your patience.
• if you have faith it increases your patience.
• And if you love allah it makes you satisfied with the decrees.
• Let’s get back to the last night’s final point:
• What are the factors affecting the decrees: thought, wishes, interests, believes, deeds, intentions and prayers. With these let’s fix our decrees. Is this done? No. People might pray and have good deed but it is not yet fixed. What can we say then? What is there that is above all these which determines the decrees?
There are factors out of our control that affect our decrees: other people’s deeds, love of Allah towards us and love of his lovers towards us. But there is a factor above theses. A factor which is the most determinant factor and has been mentioned more than 60 times in the holy Quran. What is that factor