Imam Hussain in Karbala
Click on the photo if you want to get the smell of Karbala
This article yametarjumiwa and
Try visiting the desert of Karbala , where there FLOOD OF BLOOD , TEARS AND RAIN TO THE KIU hearts crying CRY OF AL ' ATASH
Spread the message of Karbala ... Spreading ISLAM RELIGION ..., TRUE RELIGION WITH PERMANENT
Imam Hussain (as ) arriving at Karbala as he guided his caravan of ladies of the Holy Prophet including relatives, friends , women and children in the desert
Imam Hussain (as ) talking to people of Bani Asad tribe and he agreed with them on the purchase of land of Karbala
Imam Hussain ( as) was addressing the army of ' Umar ibn Sa'ad ( AL ) before the start of the War
Imam Hussain (AS ) would allow bay'a two people. Hur ( A ) offering apologies and join the camp of Imam Hussain ( as
Imam Hussain ( as) was brought dead martyr in their tents
Battle with the enemy
Ali al - Akber (AS ), a young 18 -year-old son of Imam Hussain ( as) dies Sahihidi the hands of his father, who had been weakened
Abbas ( as) on the Euphrates Furati watching as the enemy forces ' Umar ibn Sa'ad ( AL ) they were running
Imam Hussain ( as) he elevates baby ' Ali Asgher ( A ) to host this futility and shame and no mercy , pleading for water child, where the army for brutal child lilimwua with an arrow with two lips
Imam Hussain (as ) bidding farewell to mother in a tent. Al Nida ' Al Maakhir
( Dismissal for the last time)
Imam Hussain ( a.s. ) at war
Having fallen
Imam Hussain ( as) awaiting the call of Allah ( swt )
Zuljana referring to mothers without having to go back to its owner tents .
Women saints and impeccable House Prophet ( Ahlul Bayt a.s. ) they fell at the feet of
Zuljana who returns without the Imam Hussain ( as) .
The ladies together with
Zuljana without his master , crying over the death of Imam Hussain ( as) . Women are undecided of Imam Hussain (AS ) were crying for destruction and suffering and injustice happened in the past few hours .
Torso without head
Imam Hussain ( as) What was has been left in the desert of Karbala after the War
Enemies of the army of ' Umar Saad ( AL ) to begin looting and burning tents of the house of Ahlul Bayt AS which the remaining women, children and patients only -
shame Ghariba
In the midst of fear and intimidation, the house of Imam Hussain ( as) congregating in front of the Imam who was in control of the Imamate , Al Imam
Ali ibn Hussain Zayn al -' Abidin ( a.s
Having heavy chains around his neck and legs and while being paraded on foot
Imam ' Ali Zaynul -' Abidin (AS ) , the women , children and patients hostage wachukululiwa
Zainab ( as) and Imam ' Ali Zayn Al- ' Abidin (AS ) as the council cruel and despotic leaders
Imam ' Ali Zayn al -' Abidin (AS ) at the court of Yazid ibn Mua'awiyaah ( AL ) with the head of Imam Hussain (AS ) on display
Imam ' Ali Zayn Ali Abedin ( as) in his address to Yazid ( AL ) in his court
Ever lasting flag of Islam which were saved by the impeccable blood of the martyrs of Karbala
SABR Zaynab ( a.s
MURDER of Karbala